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The World Cord Blood Day 2021 virtual conference showcases the remarkable advances in the field. As a proud sponsor and cord blood logistics specialist, QuickSTAT is spreading the word so more people can learn about this life-saving treatment.

World Cord Blood Day (WCBD) was launched in 2016 by the non-profit Save the Cord Foundation to raise awareness of all the incredible advances being made in the use of cord blood to save lives. The day has traditionally been marked with a series of industry-leading speakers – and 2021 is no different.

Register today for the WCBD 2021 virtual conference on November 15 to learn more about how cord blood has been used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases since 1988.

Since the beginning, QuickSTAT has been the official sponsor of this important day. We wanted to support getting the word out about how cord blood stem cell transplants can help people around the world who have leukaemia, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, lymphoma, with the potential to treat additional serious illnesses. WCBD has a great page on their website with more “Facts on Cord Blood” and how it saves lives, whether donating or privately banking.

Knowledge is power

This year, WCBD is bringing together some of the industry’s most influential researchers and advocates. Dr. Filippo Milano from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center will open the conference via Livestream. Keynote speakers, whose sessions are available on-demand, include:

  • Dr. Eliane Gluckman (Saint Louis Hospital Paris), who performed the world’s first cord blood transplant
  • Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg (Duke Department of Pediatrics, Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development)
  • Dr. John Wagner (University of Minnesota)
  • Dr. Mark Walters (UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland)
  • Dr. Robert Wynn (Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital)
  • Monroe Burgess (QuickSTAT Global Life Science Logistics)

Topics covered will range from the emerging field of gene therapy to treat sickle cell disease and regenerative medicine for potentially treating autism and cerebral palsy to the intricacies and challenges of transporting cord blood for storage.

Meet Sosa Evbuomwan and Aimee Robinson 

The most exciting part of the day – and indeed the field as it continues to evolve – is hearing firsthand from people whose lives have been changed (and saved) by a cord blood transplant. This year WCBD welcomes Sosa Evbuomwan, the world’s first pediatric patient to receive a cord blood transplant for sickle cell disease, and Aimee Robinson, whose cord blood transplant made her a cancer survivor.

Learn more about the day’s full schedule and register today to celebrate five years of WCBD and the incredible work being done in the field! When you do, you'll have free access to on-demand sessions until November 30th – so you can do your part and help us spread the word because just one conversation could change someone’s life.

QuickSTAT is proud to have been a part of WCBD since 2016, as well as provide logistics support and serve as a global transportation provider of cord blood. If you’d like to learn more about QuickSTAT’s cord blood logistics solutions, visit our website or reach out to one of our healthcare logistics experts.