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Back Part 2: Setting up a robust CGT supply chain

In part 1 of our podcast, Setting up a robust CGT supply chain, QuickSTAT’s Global Head of Strategy for CGT and DTP, Mike Sweeney, discussed the fast-growing field of cell and gene therapies and personalized medicines. He focused on the supply chain complexities the industry faces and how advanced planning can add resiliency. In Part 2, he delves deeper into some of those complexities and considerations for advanced planning that go beyond scheduling – including the regulatory landscape, the benefits and roadblocks presented by technology, and the critical components of cold chain and chain of custody.

Several personalized medicines have been approved in 2024 already, with more expected before year-end. This has led to an increase in registrations for CGT clinical trials – and supply chain logistics are evolving right alongside it. 
From staying on top of the regulatory environment to ensuring chain of custody to maintaining the cold chain – the key to success is open communication and access to real-time information. That’s where technology comes into play. The parts are all there, says Mike: software platforms, temperature monitoring devices, GPS tracking and more. The trick is bringing it all together to make supply chain logistics seamless across the board and help sponsors, clinical trial sites and hospitals do more with fewer resources. Tune in for the second part of our podcast on setting up robust CGT supply chains as the field continues to grow.

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If you haven’t listened to Part 1 you’ll find it here or wherever you get your podcasts.

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