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Cord blood stem cells are used to treat a variety of life-threatening illnesses. As part of the World Cord Blood Day 2019 free virtual conference, we’ve answered the most common questions about cord blood treatments.

Cord blood questions answered: Attend the World Cord Blood Day 2019 free virtual conference – an educational event featuring leading transplant doctors and pioneering cellular therapy researchers.

On November 15th – World Cord Blood Day (WCBD) – expectant parents and healthcare professionals are invited to be a part of a global virtual event program to celebrate 30+ years of life-saving cord blood transplants. It’s also an opportunity to learn all about the latest innovative research in this field.

If you, like so many people, are interested in this topic and learning more, here’s a short cord blood Q&A to help get you up-to-speed in advance of WCBD:

Why do we need World Cord Blood Day?

Cord blood stem cells are currently used to treat 80+ different life-threatening diseases and are also proving critical to new areas of regenerative medicine. However, there is a lack of awareness and education about what cord blood can do. And that’s why we need World Cord Blood Day – so doctors and parents have the most up-to-date information.

What are the cord blood facts you need to know?

To start: cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta following the birth of a child. It is a potent and non-controversial source of stem cells. And collection of cord blood poses no risks to the mother or baby and does not interfere with the birthing process.

What are the advantages of cord blood vs bone marrow?

Cord blood has several distinct advantages over bone marrow. First, it's easier to collect, store and access quickly for a transplant. And research has shown that in stem cell transplants where only one cord blood unit is used, there is significantly less risk of GvHD (Graft versus Host Disease). Click here to learn more about the advantages of cord blood vs bone marrow and access links to important research.

Can I find real-life stories about cord blood recipients?

Yes! There are many inspiring stories about those whose lives have benefited from cord blood. You can start with learning all about Luke -- who is winning the battle against cerebral palsy -- and then read additional compelling stories from cord blood recipients.

Register for WCBD today!

Quick, the leading global transportation provider of cord blood, is proud to be the official sponsor of WCBD for the third year. And my colleague, Dave Murphy, and I are proud to be a part of the virtual conference agenda. We hope you can join us to learn more and get all of your cord blood questions answered – register today – and we’ll virtually see you on November 15th!

To learn more about World Cord Blood Day, and register for the virtual conference, visit:

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