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Back World Cord Blood Day 2020 | Clinical Trial & Cold Chain Logistics

World Cord Blood Day 2020 highlights the life-saving treatments now being achieved with the use of cord blood therapies. As a committed sponsor since the inception of WCBD in 2016, Quick is proud to help in raising awareness of the benefits of cord blood therapy.

Every year, Quick comes together with non-profit Save the Cord Foundation for World Cord Blood Day (WCBD). As the official sponsor of this important day, our goal is to give the global community access to critical information about the many ways in which cord blood is used for developing treatments and saving lives.
Register today for a free online conference to learn, educate and advocate the important role cord blood plays in saving lives.

Learn: What is cord blood?

Cord blood is the blood that’s left in the umbilical cord and placenta after a child has been born – and it is a potent source for valuable stem cells. Since it’s collected post-birth from the umbilical cord, there are no ethical, political or religious issues like those you may have heard with embryonic stem cells. Cord blood stem cells are used primarily in transplant medicine to regenerate a patient’s blood and immune system.

Educate: How can I find out more?

Cord blood stem cells are currently being used to treat and cure more than 80 life-threatening illnesses. This includes many cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma as well as immune deficiencies and genetic disorders. Yet, there are still some misunderstandings about the uses of cord blood and how it's collected. Studies and research have shown there are possible benefits using cord blood stem cells for treatments to include stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, liver disease and more.
Register today for the WCBD 2020 Virtual Conference to educate yourself.

Advocate: How can I spread the word?

In addition to a live streaming event on Tuesday, November 17th – WCBD 2020 – there will also be a series of on-demand sessions available. This includes “New Challenges & Solutions for Healthcare Logistics,” hosted by Quick’s Monroe Burgess. As a registered attendee, you will have access to these
pre-recorded presentations and discussions until Wednesday, December 2nd.

Simply sharing what you learn with others could make a difference. Even just one conversation could save a life.

As the most experienced global transportation company providing logistics solutions specifically for valuable cord blood, we’re proud of the work Save the Cord Foundation does on WCBD – and every day. "We're proud to be a sponsor of World Cord Blood Day for the fourth year in a row. This year is sure to be very informative and exciting, providing the latest information from some of the industry's top doctors and researchers. We're humbled to play a role in the research and development of cord blood derivative therapies by providing logistics supply chain solutions to cord blood, biotech and pharmaceutical companies worldwide.” ~David Murphy, Executive VP of Quick Specialized Healthcare Logistics.
Join us as we learn, educate and advocate about life-saving cord blood stem cells.

If you have questions about Quick Specialized Healthcare Logistics – whether about cord blood or other life-saving shipments – just Ask the Experts.