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Back Cord blood stem cells changing the landscape of human healthcare

Quick provides essential logistics services for the safe transport of cord blood. We are a proud supporter of World Cord Blood Day and sponsored the WCBD Virtual Conference on November 15, 2018.

Attend the World Cord Blood Day virtual conference

Cord blood is now being used to treat over 80 different life-threatening diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell anaemia. It is also proving critical to new areas of regenerative medicine to potentially treat spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, autism, type 1 diabetes and much more.

With the growing number of medical therapies currently under investigation and the encouraging results, it is clear that cord blood stem cells can cure once considered incurable diseases, and change the landscape of human healthcare. The medical community is just beginning to discover its full potential.


  • Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta following the birth of a child
  • Cord blood is a potent and non-controversial source of stem cells
  • Unlike embryonic stem cells (taken from an embryo), cord blood is not controversial or unethical in any way because it is only collected post-birth
  • Cord blood has no political or religious issues
  • Collection of cord blood poses no risks to the mother or baby and does not interfere with the birthing process
  • Cord blood stem cells are currently being used to treat and cure more than 80 life-threatening illnesses, including many cancers, immune deficiencies and genetic disorders

We invite you to attend the World Cord Blood Day Virtual Conference on November 15, 2018, a free educational event for parents and health professionals featuring leading medical researchers and industry experts.

Quick is proud to be the official sponsor of WCBD for the second year, and will host a session on how to safely transport cord blood and derivative therapies. Download our e-book, Commercialization of Cord Blood Therapies – Logistics Challenges and Solutions.